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Quick Kush Dried/Cured Smokeable Hemp Flower


Quick Kush
Dried/Cured Smokeable Hemp Flower


Dried/Cured Smokeable Hemp Flower
-Grown naturally without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides
-Artisan crafted in small batches by hand.

Quick Kush 18% CBD
Dried & cured
Our hemp varieties are legal industrial hemp flowers with a THC concentration of not more than 0.3%. Our premium hemp buds are good for herbal medicines, cooking, and other personal uses.
✔️ PA Grown
✔️ Organic cultivation practices
✔️ CBD-dominant flower
✔️ Complete spectrum of cannabinoids
✔️ Less than 0.3% delta-9 THC

Our smokeable Quick Kush hemp flower is packed full of fragrant terpenes.

Quick Kush
Terpene Description

Beta-Myrcene – Per, myrcene is on the most common terpenes found in cannabis and CBD. Beyond cannabis, myrcene is found in hops and is repsonsible for the peppery, spciy, balsam fragrance in beer. It’s also expressed in lemongrass, which has been used in traditional folk medicine for centuries.

Trans-Caryophyllene – Per, caryophyllene is present in many herbs and spices, including black pepper, basil, and oregano, and cannabis strains with high levels of it deliver a spicy, funky warmth to the nose, similar to cinnamon and cloves. What makes caryophyllene an intriguing terpene is its relationship with our endocannabinoid system, particularly, its ability to bind to CB2 receptors.

Humulene – Per, humulene is found in a wide variety of plants and has been used for centuries in holistic Eastern medicinal practices. Humulene is no stranger to modern biomedical research, including studies on black pepper, hops and ginseng.

Pinene – Pinene is an aromatic compound commonly found in cannabis that smells a lot like pine trees. Terpenes like pinene are fragrant oils secreted in cannabis trichomes, and while they originally developed as an adaptive protection against predators, these compounds offer us humans a variety of potential benefits.

Limonene -Limonene is an aromatic cannabis terpene produced in the flower’s resin glands. In isolation, it’s commonly associated with fruity, citrus aromas, and it’s found in many everyday items like fruit rinds, cosmetics and cleaning products.

Bisabolol – Per, The terpene bisabolol is a fragrant chemical compound produced by the chamomile flower and other plants such as the candeia tree in Brazil. It is also produced by various cannabis strains. While it has long been used in the cosmetics industry, bisabolol has more recently become the subject of medical benefits it displays in cannabis.

Ocimene – Per, Ocimene is an isometric hydrocarbon found in a wide variety of fruits and plants. It is recognized by its sweet, fragrant, herbaceous and woodsy aromas, which feature prominently in several perfumes, and which help plants defend themselves in their natural environment.

Terpineol – Terpineol can refer to any combination of four monoterpene alcohol isomers occurring naturally in over 150 plants, including cannabis. It is characterized by its ability to relax the consumer, and has been shown in lab studies to decrease motility in mice, leading some to suggest that it contributes to the couchlock effect of certain strains.

Valencene -Valencene is a sesquiterpene that gets its name from the place it’s most commonly found: Valencia oranges. Its citrusy, sweet aromas and flavors can be reminiscent of oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and occasionally of fresh herbs or freshly cut wood.
Per, MountainMango has 4 main terpenes which are Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Pinene and Humuilene. The pinene seems to offset some of the lethargic feeling you sometimes feel with Myrcene. It is a wonderful tasting strain and has a great cure and smell as well.

Weight 3.5 oz


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